Mr. T.P. Singh Administrative Officer Sainath Education Trust
Education is a process of human enlightenment and empowerment for the achievement of a better and higher quality of life. For this noble cause RGC was established in 2002 under the aegis of
Sainath Education Trust by Shri Haribansh Singh. It has grown to be a reckoning force in the world of education with pupil teachers fired with determination to excel, a competent and dedicated
faculty meticulously designed curriculum and the optimum infrastructure. As we move forward, RGC remains an institution of research and scholarship, and of uplifting education. But above all,
We always celebrate for our commitment to teaching at every level, in every classroom of our institution. We have found our distinct place in the great constellation of excellence, and we embrace it.
But even as our mission remains clear, our work is unfinished. We have new problems to solve, new research to conduct, new students to teach, new challenges to meet. We emphasize our educational
mission because we are in the midst of a teaching and learning revolution. How we respond - how we stay true to our best traditions while pioneering new frontiers - this is the challenge before us.
"Quality is not an act, it is a habit"