The area of biological Sciences being multi-disciplinary in nature has a wider scope both nationally and internationally. Biology has become such a vast research enterprise that it is not generally studied as a single discipline, but as a number of interconnected sub-disciplines. Discoveries and inventions in biology mainly in the areas of health, personal medicine, bioremediation, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines against diseases, and many more such useful products and processes have become realities. In addition, developments in socio-biology and even in developmental biology have influenced human society, certain socio-cultural attitudes and socio-legal issues. With the challenges posed by environmental issues on existing flora and fauna the significance and scope of Biology has widened even more. After studying Biological Science, students have plethora of options for further studies in India as well as abroad. Department of Biology of our college has state of art laboratories with high end instruments. The Department has one dedicated room with projector facility and two laboratories with latest instruments particularly Binocular microscope, B.O.D. incubator, PC-based UV-Vis- Spectrophotometer, Autoclave, Laminar flow, Refrigerated centrifuge, Growth chamber, ELISA reader, Digital blood cell counter, Digital haemoglobin reader, Digital blood analyzer, pH-meter Electronic balance, Vortex shaker, Electrophoresis and U-V transilluminator, Ice Flaking machine Refrigerated Centrifuge Machine, Glucanometer, and Blood analyser. Various in-house projects are being carried out which help students to understand biology in depth and also appreciate how biology can be taken from bench to the market. Students undertake these projects with full enthusiasm and work under the supervision of experienced faculty members.